Those in favor say they’re fighting for content creators, but critics say the new laws will be ‘catastrophic’
1 min read
EU approves controversial Copyright Directive, including internet ‘link tax’ and ‘upload filter’ by (The Verge) -
1 min read
Why we’re building a social network supported by people, not advertisers by (Fast Company) The designers behind explain the thinking that led to their nascent social platform, winner of the 2018 Innovation By Design General Excellence award.
1 min read
The top four web performance challenges | Clearleft by (Clearleft) Counting down the charts—what will be in the number one spot?
1 min read
The future of the Home of the Future by (The Verge) We join Grant Imahara in examining where the Home of the Future goes next.
1 min read
Robustness and least power | Clearleft by (Clearleft) A tale of two principles.
1 min read
To prevent overfishing and to improve the quality of the environment, fishing is banned on Lake Tai for 6 months of the year. On 1 September, the first day of the finishing season, I was invited out on one of the boats.
1 min read Had fun exploring the less visited, more wild parts of Hangzhou with @lands_remote this weekend.
1 min read
Three tools to help automate your SEO workflow (Econsultancy) As digital marketers, we find ourselves limited on the most valuable resource: time.
1 min read
Accessibility is not a feature. — ( Lately, I’ve been reflecting on some of the language I use to talk about accessibility. It might be language you use, too.
1 min read wants to put you back in charge of your personal data by (Fast Company) Harnessing the data that companies collect about you sounds like a great idea, but how much are they willing to share?