• How Google’s China project undermines its claims to political neutrality by Casey Newton (The Verge)

    A leaked internal presentation about censorship frames the issue correctly — but the company’s work in China contradicts it

  • Rethink: Web (Open Space)

    When we struggle to explain the inherent qualities of a medium, we tend to defer to analogies and metaphors. This is especially true of the internet.

  • Back to work in Suzhou after an eye-opening National Week holiday exploring Xinjiang in far-west China. Lots to process – photos, views/opinions, and memories.

  • Workplace topology | Clearleft by Clearleft Ltd (Clearleft)

    Within our organisations, we have increasingly been introducing practises such as dev ops and design ops, to reduce operational inefficiencies.

  • Notes from a crosswalk. — ethanmarcotte.com (ethanmarcotte.com)

    On the route, the steps, and what follows.

  • Stretching our legs on a 6km there-and-back trek to break up the drive from Baicheng to Aksu.

  • http://scottmallinson.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/41908419_959514290908392_1382031925790163352_n-1.jpg

    The ruins of Subashi, an ancient temple complex in the Taklamakan Desert, used continuously from the 3rd to 10th centuries. Subash is a Uyghur word meaning “the origin of water”.

  • http://scottmallinson.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/41523350_2162406580450042_364939382536859340_n-1.jpg

    Distant views from a short hike over the Tiemenguan, the end of the Great Wall of China in Korla, Xinjiang, and a key passage on the Silk Road.

  • Visited Tiemenguan, the western-most gate of the Great Wall of China, and a key passage on the Silk Road.

  • The incredible sculptures at the Longmen Grottoes, painstakingly carved out of rock over several hundred years.