Category: Uncategorised

  • It’s taken some fettling, but finally I have a publishing workflow I’m happy with. Mastodon posts, or toots (to use the correct nomenclature), are published on alongside standard blog articles.

    Next step is to get Bluesky in the mix…

  • Saturday

  • Saw GladIIator last night. Have thoughts. More about the animals than anything.

  • That feeling you get when your favourite restaurant removes your favourite dish from the menu.

  • Well, we did it. We migrated all 112 plugins to the new framework version and addressed the breaking changes and inter-dependencies in the process. Dare I say, we may have even improved some of the code. Though it may be too ambitious to say at this time until regression testing has completed.

  • by scottmallinsonscottmallinson

    Some wins, some losses today. Managed to get a bunch of plugins migrated at work. Huzzah! Dishwasher broke. Boo!

    Dishwasher not broken! A couple of calls to customer services and we managed to fix it. Also, rounded out Friday with approximately 75% of plugins migrated.

  • by Twitter Dev (Twitter)

    Starting February 9, we will no longer support free access to the Twitter API, both v2 and v1.1. A paid basic tier will be available instead 🧵

    Starting February 9, this account will no longer post notes from my website. Subscribe to my feed at

  • Some wins, some losses today. Managed to get a bunch of plugins migrated at work. Huzzah! Dishwasher broke. Boo!

  • The fun of self-hosting web apps. Following a step-by-step installation guide verbatim until you realise one dependency is newer/no longer available/renamed/no longer consumes other dependencies, and you hit a wall, hard.

  • Exhausted after a two and a half days planning the next 8-10 weeks of work, with some of it exciting and challenging. But for now, the weekend!