Went to El Llobregat estuary and the Delta del Llobregat today. It was cold, windy, and at times, wet. Fun to see the planes taking off and landing so close though.
Category: Uncategorised
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Starting off the New Year with a morning of self-care. Had a mani pedi courtesy of @tesshumphrys.
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I had the dried bean in my piece of the Roscón de Reyes. That means I have to buy next year’s, right?
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The neighbourhood’s Cabalgata de Reyes or Parade of Kings, celebrated on the Twelfth Night, was somewhat underwhelming considering the significance Epiphany (Día de los Reyes Magos) receives here in Spain.
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Literal has one of the best onboarding processes I’ve come across for a web app and a much better UI/UX than Goodreads.
Looking to get into reading some more for 2023, starting with 1984.
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A lunch break well spent. Managed to finally get webmentions working again by simply changing the microformat structure on my website. The output of microformat parsers can be a little challenging to interpret.
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Looking at setting up a Pleroma instance for personal use as it seems lighter-weight than Mastodon and supports fediverse (OStatus and ActivityPub) standards.
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Discover scottmallinson’s listening stats for Last.year (Last.fm) Check out scottmallinson’s 2022 in music on Last.fm
- 10,099 scrobbles
- 3,503 albums
- 38% new artists
- 67% new albums
- 58% new tracks
- 27 days, 11 hours listening time
- 28 average daily scrobbles
Sadly general listening stats are down compared to 2021. That needs rectifying.
Code stats for 2022
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Code Stats for 2022 (wakatime.com) - 581 hours coded
- 3 hrs 2 mins daily average
- Top languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, and Gherkin
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Bring back personal blogging by (The Verge) As social media changes, Twitter slowly falls, and the landscape seems bleak, let’s take a moment and consider blogging. The personal blog built the internet, and maybe it can help fix it.
The personal blog built the internet, and maybe it can fix it.
Source: Bring back personal blogging – The Verge
A (long and slow) project I intend to undertake in 2023 is to work on my website and to IndieWeb-ify it in an effort to move away from Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.