Arrived into Korla earlier this evening. Hungry, we stumbled into the nearest eating establishment we came across. Only after ordering a couple of dishes did we realise it specialised in dog and donkey meat 😳
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Goodbye Zhengzhou. It’s been short but sweet. Hope to see you again. Next stop Korla (库尔勒).
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The Longmen Grottoes are truly spectacular. So many sculptures ranging from 2cm to several metres tall. It’d be an incredible feat to construct them today with modern tools, let alone 1,500 years ago!
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Arrived in Zhengzhou and checked into our hotel. Initial impressions of the city: modern, clean, and illuminated. So many lights!
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Hurtling through China at 300km/h towards Zhengzhou, the first destination of our National Week trip.
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[Chile unveils Patagonian Route of Parks hiking trail]( Yes, yes, YES!
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How to Build a Low-tech Website? (LOW←TECH MAGAZINE) Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content.
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Can Google make the web faster without taking over the web? by (The Verge) Google’s Malte Ubl on The Vergecast
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My favorite design tool. — ( What if someone doesn’t browse the web like I do? Or like you do?